Who doesn’t want a cleaner home? We all do, but it seems like every time you clean one mess, another pops up. There are people who do keep their homes perpetually clean, and there is no secret to how they do it. They simply have a plan and follow it on a daily basis. If you follow the five tips below, you’ll be able to keep your house clean and ready for presentation at a moment’s notice. And remember, according to scientists, it takes about 20 to 25 days to make something a habit. So, be kind to yourself.
1. Don’t procrastinate. In other words, don’t walk around the mess and think you’ll take care of it later. If you receive a package in the mail, throw away all of the wrappings. When you cook, clean up the mess after you’ve made it or right after you’ve finished eating. Get your kids involved and have them clean their own plates and wipe down the table. We make most of our messes when we’re in a hurry and figure we’ll take care of it later.
2. Pick a time of the day, when it fits your schedule, and straighten up your house. This isn’t a cleaning, don’t break out the cleaners, mops, and sponges. However, take the time to walk through your house and pick up trash, make the bed, and throw out newspapers or any magazines you don’t want.
3. Make good use of your vacuum. A vacuum is good for more than cleaning the floor. When you vacuum a room, vacuum everything. Using the soft attachment, you can clean your window sills, tables, lamps, curtains, just about everything in a room. When you use the vacuum to dust you are actually removing the dust from the room.
4. Storage Bins! Shoe racks! Baskets! Have separate containers for specific items, and part of your daily pick up should be to put things back in the container. Ask your family to only put the designated items in the container. Also, make sure the container is large enough for all the items.
5.Do a load of laundry every day. Laundry has a way of sneaking up on you. By doing one load a day, you’ll keep “laundry mountain” from getting too high, and it’ll make laundry day much easier for you.
One last thing, ask for help. Everybody living in the house should be helping.