Five Common Carpet Stains and Five Common Cleaning Methods for Removing Them

If you have kids or pets, you are likely to deal with spills or “accidents” that leave carpet stains. However, you do not need to worry. There are ways to remove these pesky stains and keep your floors looking good as new.

While we love our pets, it is almost inevitable that you will experience a few accidents every once in a while. The key to treating the stain as soon as possible. First, grab a paper towel or an absorbent cloth and press down. The goal is to get the wetness out of the carpet as quickly as possible. You may need to apply more than one paper towel or absorbent cloth. After getting the spot as dry as possible, mix a solution of (equal parts) white vinegar and water. Put this solution in a spray bottle and mist the solution into the carpet. You will need to repeat this as many times as needed to pull up the solution from that spot on the carpet. Not only will the vinegar clean the spot, but it will also discourage repeat urination in the same spot.

Another common stain in households is spilled coffee. Blotting the stain is important here just as it is in the case of pet stains. This time, however, you will fill the spray bottle with three percent hydrogen peroxide. Once you have gotten the spot as dry as possible, spray the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Then, grab a wet towel. You will now need to get a steam iron on full steam, and you will place the iron on the wet towel (which should be covering the stain). Allow this to sit for about twenty seconds. Repeat this with fresh towels until the stain completely comes up.

*It is important to remember that hydrogen peroxide may take the color out of your carpet. It is best to test a less conspicuous area of the carpet before using hydrogen peroxide on a well-trodden area of the carpet.

Yet another common carpet stain involves blood. The good news is blood stains are more easily eliminated than other stains. In a spray bottle, mix up one part dish soap and two parts three percent hydrogen peroxide. Apply this solution to the bloodstain, and allow the solution to sit for two or three minutes. Now, it is time to blot. Use a clean cloth to blot the stain. You may need to repeat this several times. Flush the area clean with cold water to prevent further staining from the cleaning solution.

A fourth common stain is red wine. Again, blotting is crucial. Then spritz club soda on the stain. After giving the club soda a few minutes to do its work, blot the area until it is clean and fairly dry.

A final, but perhaps the most aggravating common carpet stain, involves bubble gum. While it isn’t always considered a typical stain, it can ruin your carpet nonetheless. If you have heard that freezing the gum is a great way to remove it, you heard right! Get an ice pack and allow the gum to freeze. The frozen gum will chip off and you may remove it with a butter knife or similar object. If there is a stain left behind, use the same solution for cleaning bloodstains.
